Monday, July 11, 2011


Dear Shutterians,

We have an important announcement. Read on carefully because this might change your life. 

Uniten Shutters' Facebook group page has opened two new slots! Wooooot. The mentioned new slots are:

-- Tips on photography techniques will be posted by Shutters board members every week. So watch out for the tips/information as it might be something new to enhance your understanding, or something new that you can practice and master in! 

-- We have received several messages from Shutters members saying that they have a lot of questions to ask about photography, but sometimes they have no chance to ask directly. Therefore, you can ask us any questions that you have in mind, and we will try our best to come out with the best answer to help you out. Questions can be asked through Facebook, either post it up to our wall or inbox. 

That's all! Thank you for your time :D

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