Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Introducing the gimp

GIMP.. unlike picasa, it is more in-depth and has a more professional "tweaking" function similar to photoshop.. why not just get photoshop? why? because Gimp is free!!.. you can get your own gimp software at www.gimp.org (for mac and linux) or http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html (for windows). once installed, when u start up the gimp, i will feel odd: it doesn't particularly look or behave like a normal windows application. You're presented with a free-floating toolbar palette and a floating window-known as a "dialogue" in gimp terms (which at odd with the usual definition in the world of windows).. to be honest, i gave up on the gimp for weeks and let it dust at the bottom of my desktop because of its unusual presentation and occasionally quirky menu behavior, but once you get used to it (perseverance is very important) you'll quickly come to like the huge amount of power and potential that it has on tap.. it takes time to learn the ways of the Gimp, but it is worth your time and it doesn't cost anything.


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